Sunday 20 September 2009

Well, that went okay. Thanks for the comments. Nothing much more to add at this stage.

We are hoping to travel south in about three weeks time on the property search marathon. It will be very hard to leave here, both Scotland and in particular our house and Edinburgh. Where else will we get what weve got here. Weather could be better of course but it's improved greatly since the end of Summer.

Jonathan, if we are coming down we'll hopefully call in for an hour or so but as it's mainly a property search, time might be tight.

Sinead, we were waiting for a call last night, your turn I believe. We'll be home next weekend in the evenings as ever. Hopefully, no news is good news.

Watch this space !!

1 comment:

  1. Thought it was your turn to call me! Will catch up with you next weekend.
