Friday, 30 October 2009

Hello,G'Day,Hows about You,
To my various ethnic readers, it's that time again. Contrary to the last effort, this time I'm going to try to be positive and cheerful (no promises mind you). I have been hugely entertained today by the press "gasp horror" treatment of Prince Edwards' latest outburst. I can only assume that it's a slow news/no news at all day. Look at the mans blood line for goodness sake. There's definitely history here and with a tutor like his father why are we surrised. Further why do we care. Maybe it's all part of the Nicholas Witchell reason for being (employed) campaign. What a very appropriate person to be reporting on the malfunctions of the Minor Royals. The reason for this hysteria? Young people are drawn to the DofE Awards Scheme because of danger and excitement. Maybe we should set up a Public Enquiry (into how HRH managed to make an intelligent and relevant statement).
Lest the Republicans amongst us start getting smug just reflect on the following - Government appoint a scientist to advise on drugs knowing from his previous form that he's a 'softy'. Said adviser advises, is ignored and Govt comes up with an entirely opposing view/recommendation. Adviser has a bit of a 'strop' in front of TV Cameras and opposes Govt. view. Adviser is promptly ordered to sack himself. Any bets on next stage in this saga of blinding incompetence? Adviser says 'certainly oh great and wise master?' or'get knotted' and refuses.
You really couldn't make it up could you? And I haven't mentioned that fine and wonderful banking organisation Abbey/Santander once.
Please, don't ask, unless you got a spare lifetime. I've made it. Not one grump. Yet!!!!!!
Thanks peeps. SEE You All soon.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

RantzRUs (or US)

I, like millions of 0thers, are absolutely flabbergasted at the alleged response of certain MPs to the enquiry into their theft of public money. I still cannot get my head around the fact that there were no controls on their spending which they could break in the first instance, but when, several millennia too late, controls are finally imposed (or are they? watch this space) they have the brass neck to object.
The only response is for the gullible voters of this sceptred isle to refuse to vote for them whether or not they pay up but, if they do I can hear the Civil Rights Brigade rubbing their hands with glee and buying larger wallets. For civil rights lawyer read Politician with sharper suit and more inventive line in expenses claims.
The Politicians excuse that they were following the rules and protocol is odd when one considers that, according to their bleatings, there were no rules, which is why they fell into bad ways in the first place.
In my considerable experience of dealing with various levels of ne'erdowells the first excuse is 'I didn't realise/know' followed shortly by 'I'll pay it back' followed by 'You're bending the rules' and 'It's a stitch up'. At least try to be original folks and remember, even false humility is better than bare faced cheek or stubborn pomposity.
I really do despair for us all and don't think for one minute that, when your judgement day comes for whatever miniscule misdemeanour you have committed, you will get away with their pathetic excuses or find that your codes of conduct will be so blessedly lax.
I'd better end here before that pulsing in my temple gets worse and I need the services of lour magnificent Elf Service. Just don't get me started on that one...........